My Light - Gloria Ann
My grandmother, Gloria Ann Davis, turned 74 on March 22nd. Over the weekend, the family went down to Georgia to be with her and to celebrate. We had a great time. Though, cancer is a terrible beast, it took its toll on my grandmother as she continues to battle it out. Our hearts are and will always be with her and we are not ready for her to go home just yet.

I was a loner for a long time. Trying to fill this void with my Grandmothers but, still feeling empty. I disconnected from my family for fear of losing them. It was not until my 23rd birthday that I realized that my mother was here to bring three wonderful boys into the world and, when she did that, she was called home.

Things could be worse, many of my friends have no income coming in. I feel for them. I also celebrate their creativity. So many of them have taken advantage of technology to engage and entertain friends and followers and that is a beautiful thing. So, how long will this go on? how long will this be the standard for us all? Are we confident in our governments to keep us safe from this?
To be…aware or, not to be…aware, that is the question. To my left, books about theatre and play scripts. Is this my office? Being surrounded by all that inspires me? Could I get up every morning and do the work, at home? Here, there is an office cat. To my right are the cooking books and more books about theatre. I could work from home, I feel. I could do the work I want to do from home.

Starting is…a challenge. Everyone has some thought of what they plan to do differently in the new year. Some call it a resolution. I call them goals. I always have them and, listing them holds me to some account. I hope I do not disappoint myself. Before everything else, I’m all that matters.

My process is the same every morning. I get up early so I don’t feel rushed out of the house. I start in the bathroom. I spend more time in here than is necessary, that’s the benefit of getting up early. I check mail and play games. I get it out of the way so I don’t waste time during the rest of the day. I head downstairs to make coffee. While I wait, I head to the basement, my office. I prep what I need for the day. It could be the podcast equipment or I might need to finish an edit of an episode that should post today. I go back for the coffee. One hour before work starts, I hit the shower. I’m in and out in 15 minutes. I get dressed, kiss my babes a few times. I pack my bag for the day. iPad, RepRadio bag, snacks. Pockets, lip balm, AirPods charging case, wallet and keys, iPhone.